When Being #1 Isn’t a Big Deal?
Being on page #1 in Google is exciting. That special moment when you realize that all your SEO work has paid off and you finally make it to first place. But is there ever a time when being #1 in Google isn’t a big deal? I can think of a circumstance when being #1 isn’t really a big deal. When no one is competing for your keywords! It happens. You
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Stop It! SEO Practices You Should Stop Doing Now
This is somewhat of a rant and I apologize now if I offend you. 🙂 SEO has changed A LOT in the past 10 years and for the most part, it’s changed for the better. Google’s main focus is on quality, not on old spammy SEO tricks that once worked. There are still a lot of people out there that either don’t keep up on SEO trends or don’t care
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Accidental Long-Tail Keyword Success
One of the websites that I co-own and manage is enjoying some wonderful long tail keyword success! I love logging into Google Analytics each day and looking at how people found the website. On a side-note, it’s always fun to look at what people actually type into Google to find a website. Some people really don’t get search engines… The website in question has a lot of content on it
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Cheaper vs. Better
Why is it that we’re willing to pay for quality products or services in some aspects of our life, but not all? Sometimes it comes down to budget and we just don’t have the money for what we want, so we look for the least expensive option, but in other areas we don’t mind paying for better quality because we realize that we’re getting a vastly different product or service.
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A Low-Cost, Effective SEO Strategy
For many small businesses with limited budgets, they are hesitant to sign-up with an SEO company that will charge them on a monthly basis for SEO services which are designed to see their websites increase in the search engine rankings. As I have established in a previous post, there aren’t really any silver bullets when it comes to SEO. It takes hard work, and it takes time if you want to
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Finding Reliable SEO Information
Everything you ever wanted to know is accessible through a simple Google search and that includes the topic of search engine optimization. Here’s the problem with reading about SEO Just like almost any topic, there’s a plethora of conflicting information floating around. SEO is a topic that has been discussed on various blogs and websites for about a decade now, leading to all kinds of information being readily available. A
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Google Page #1 Rankings Fast
Did this title get your attention? That’s exactly what it was meant to do and apparently it worked or you may not be reading this. 🙂 SEO companies and “experts” will use phrases like this to suggest that they have the silver bullet, the magic touch, the secret formula to blast your website to the first page of Google in no time. They make an unrealistic claim like the one
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