When Being #1 Isn’t a Big Deal?

Being on page #1 in Google is exciting.  That special moment when you realize that all your SEO work has paid off and you finally make it to first place.

But is there ever a time when being #1 in Google isn’t a big deal?

I can think of a circumstance when being #1 isn’t really a big deal.

When no one is competing for your keywords!

It happens. You may have a very specific niche in a small geographic area and in order for you to rank on the first page of Google for various search terms, it isn’t very hard. Some search terms get so little search volume and have no competition that any mediocre SEO company is going to be able to get you onto page one pretty easily.

If your website falls into this category, maybe it’s time you did some keyword research. There are terms that you can rank #1 in Google for, and because there just isn’t any demand for those search terms, that being #1 isn’t going to help you much.  If your search terms are legitimately so narrow that no one is competing for them, that’s one thing; But if your just trying to compete for the WRONG search terms for your business, that’s a totally different problem.

Doing keyword research means that not only do you find keywords that you want to rank for, but you find keywords that you want to rank for that actually have search volume.  There’s no challenge in ranking for terms that get next to no search traffic, on the other hand it cane be pretty difficult to rank for terms that get a lot of search volume and this is when having an SEO company working for you can really pay off.

Afterall, investing your SEO efforts on ranking for keywords that no one is searching for is a complete waste of time and money.


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