Online Marketing for Small Business: 3 Mistakes You Could Be Making
For many small business owners, cost-effective marketing is crucial to the success of their business. Thanks to technology, marketing for small businesses has become less and less expensive over the past few years. Investing a few hundred or a few thousand dollars can go much further than it did in the past. Unfortunately there are still a lot of small business owners who aren’t embracing the new trends in marketing
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What Prison Break Can Teach You About SEO
Even though Prison Break stopped filming a few years back, my wife and I just recently watched the whole series on Netflix for the first time. We don’t have cable anymore so we need to be more creative in finding things to watch now that we don’t have hundreds of channels to surf. Friends told us that Prison Break was a must watch series so we finally decided that now
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The Key to High Rankings
The key to being on page one is complex yet at the same time, quite simple. Many brands and websites are doing “seo” without realizing that they are doing it because it comes naturally to them and their marketing. Getting to the first page of Google might be much easier than you think. Here’s the Secret: Be good at what you do, talk about it on your website, talk about
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Second Page; First Loser
A sobering reminder for any SEO professional or website owner desperately trying to crack the front page of the search engines. A staggering 75% of internet users never go past the first page when searching in Google! The sad reminder of this fact is that if your website isn’t on the first page of Google, your website is only performing at maximum – 25% capacity in terms of it’s search
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Do You Need An SEO Audit?
An SEO audit is the foundation of an SEO campaign because it gives us an understanding of the factors affecting a websites search engine rankings. Until we do an SEO audit, we can’t fully understand what we need to do in order for your website to be a success. SEO Panic… The usual scenario unfortunately goes like this: A company realizes that their website is under-performing in the search
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Does Fresh Content Rank Better?
Fresh content is important from an SEO standpoint, so let me get that right out there at the beginning of this post. From a practical standpoint, I would suggest that it’s even more important. There’s nothing worse than going to a blog’s front page and noticing that the last time they posted was last year! There’s plenty of talk in the SEO community though about how fresh content ranks better
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SEO & Link Building Post Panda/Penguin
There’s been a lot of talk about link building as it relates to SEO and whether it even still applies after Google Panda & Penguin updates of 2011 & 2012. Many webmasters and SEO’s are going as far as to say that link building is dead or at least minimally effective in improving search engine rankings while others are still going strong with heavy link building, believing that there has
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SEO Prices
This is a topic that I have researched myself for obvious reasons and one that I find very interesting and confusing at the same time. The reason that I find it so interesting is because there’s such a wide variety of prices represented in the SEO field. There are local companies that charge rates that I think are a little high, others that I believe charge far too little and
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Google+ Local – Should You Sign Up?
Ever since Google got rid of Google Places and replaced it with Google+ Local, it’s been hard to ignore. Any time you’re looking for a local business using Google, it’s inevitable that at the top of your search results you will find Google+ Local listings. At first I was annoyed with the amount of screen real estate that they were taking up in the search results, although that’s not entirely
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Stop It! SEO Practices You Should Stop Doing Now
This is somewhat of a rant and I apologize now if I offend you. 🙂 SEO has changed A LOT in the past 10 years and for the most part, it’s changed for the better. Google’s main focus is on quality, not on old spammy SEO tricks that once worked. There are still a lot of people out there that either don’t keep up on SEO trends or don’t care
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