SEO Prices
This is a topic that I have researched myself for obvious reasons and one that I find very interesting and confusing at the same time. The reason that I find it so interesting is because there’s such a wide variety of prices represented in the SEO field. There are local companies that charge rates that I think are a little high, others that I believe charge far too little and
Read MoreStop It! SEO Practices You Should Stop Doing Now
This is somewhat of a rant and I apologize now if I offend you. 🙂 SEO has changed A LOT in the past 10 years and for the most part, it’s changed for the better. Google’s main focus is on quality, not on old spammy SEO tricks that once worked. There are still a lot of people out there that either don’t keep up on SEO trends or don’t care
Read MoreCheaper vs. Better
Why is it that we’re willing to pay for quality products or services in some aspects of our life, but not all? Sometimes it comes down to budget and we just don’t have the money for what we want, so we look for the least expensive option, but in other areas we don’t mind paying for better quality because we realize that we’re getting a vastly different product or service.
Read MoreFinding Reliable SEO Information
Everything you ever wanted to know is accessible through a simple Google search and that includes the topic of search engine optimization. Here’s the problem with reading about SEO Just like almost any topic, there’s a plethora of conflicting information floating around. SEO is a topic that has been discussed on various blogs and websites for about a decade now, leading to all kinds of information being readily available. A
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