Not Enough Time to Write

Blogging and creating good quality content is a great way to build your SEO footprint and let Google know you are serious about keeping your website fresh. Just about every type of business, from Plumbers to Auto Mechanics should be using content marketing strategies to help spread the word about what they do, but sadly – Most aren’t.

What’s the biggest reason that I hear from clients as to why they can’t or won’t be updating their website on a regular basis?

“Because I Don’t Have Enough Time”

I’ve heard my clients say this over and over, so we work around their time issues and we help them update their websites. So why is it that my own website is lacking on both style and quality content?

Because I don’t Have Enough Time.  Seriously.

We’re a small digital marketing company and between client meetings, building websites, strategy, SEO and trucking off all my money to the bank (just kidding,) I just don’t have time to create good quality content on a regular basis. I can completely identify with my clients who tell me that between running their business and serving their clients, they just don’t have a lot of time for things like this and that’s why companies like ours exists.

Here’s a challenge for both YOU and for ME.

Over the next year, develop a strategy to make sure that you are updating your website with some useful piece of information, at least on a weekly basis, if not more.  Schedule it in your iPhone, Android, Blackberry…or your day timer. Look at it as an important task that will build your business, rather than just an activity that takes time and has no benefit.

I’m preaching to the choir on this one. HAHA.


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