A Low-Cost, Effective SEO Strategy

For many small businesses with limited budgets, they are hesitant to sign-up with an SEO company that will charge them on a monthly basis for SEO services which are designed to see their websites increase in the search engine rankings.  As I have established in a previous post, there aren’t really any silver bullets when it comes to SEO.  It takes hard work, and it takes time if you want to increase your rankings and remain in good standing with Google.  Because there isn’t a magic formula many website owners believe that all is lost, not realizing that their website rankings are somewhat within their control with little or no help at all.

Shhh…this is a secret that SEO consultants don’t always want admit!

There are a few things that Google likes to see and if you put the time and effort into following through, you can see results in a fairly short amount of time.

Content – The first thing that you need is good quality content and lots of it.  Search engines like to see websites that consistently feed their visitors good quality content that’s relevant and provides value to the reader.  There are all kinds of metrics that Google can use to determine if the content is good quality, so don’t try to fake it by writing garbage for the sake of putting content online.  Just write about what your business does, blog or post articles on your website about company news, new products, updates on your projects or whatever you want.  Do this several times each week and you’re well on your way to decent rankings.  Don’t forget to give people an opportunity to share the information on various social media outlets for added exposure.

Social Media – As annoying as you may find Facebook or Twitter, regular use on these outlets shows search engines that you are active.  Post links to your new blog posts, share information from other sources and make sure your profile links to your website.  Search engines love to see people that are active in various social media outlets.

Putting it all together…

1.  Write a new blog post/article on your website 3 times per week for 2 months.

2.  Each time you write an article, post a link to it on Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Facebook, or all of them.

3.  Interact and use your social media accounts.  Login to your accounts daily, post something worthwhile or retweet information.

4.  Wait….

After doing this for 60 days, check our Google Analytics data and see if you are getting more traffic to your website.  I can also guarantee that you will be!  Without getting too technical, this little strategy works.  Of course there are many other things you can do which you may need help with, but if you have a shoestring budget or no budget, this is a great start.

Here’s the problem with this;  Most people start out strong for the first week, and then it gets forgotten until by the end of the 60 days, you haven’t written anything in weeks or logged into your social media accounts.  This is understandable because it does take time and hopefully you are busy with your own business.  This is the reason why people hire companies to do SEO, content creation and to manage social media accounts for them.  It’s time consuming and requires consistency.

Stay the course and you WILL see results.



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