Your Online Profile

If you operate a business, it’s important to build a strong online profile for you or your business. Your online profile is like a trail that leads right to your business and will show prospective clients and customers that you are serious about doing business online.

What Do I Mean By Online Profile?

Put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers or clients. They will fall into two different categories when searching for information about a business:

1.  They don’t know who you are, but they are searching for keywords related to your company’s activities.

2.  They know who you are and they’re searching for your company, using search terms like your company name.

SEO most often deals with the first scenario. We help our clients get found in search engines by keywords that customers are searching for. For example, in my business, it’s important for me to be found by the terms “SEO company” or “London Ontario SEO Companies.”  Those terms are of value to me and I optimize my website and try to build backlinks to my website with those terms in mind.

Scenario number 2 seems to get overlooked by far too many people, but it is equally as powerful.

Imagine that your customers have been referred to your company by a friend or family member and they decide to search for your company name. First and foremost, you hope that your company website is the first website that appears. If that’s not the case, you have some work to do.

After your company website, if you have spent any time online building your online profile, your customers will find other profiles about your company. Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Quora, Weblocal, Manta, Yelp and the list goes on and on.

The goal of this second scenario is to fill up the first page or two of  the search results with your company.

Why would you want to do this?

Because it makes you look like a large company, with plenty of reach. If someone searches for my company name, Jonathon Hyjek, the first two pages are filled with my profiles on various websites. Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Quora, Manta, Yelp and so on. If they don’t go to the first option, which is my company website, there’s a good chance that they will still end up on my website eventually by choosing any of the other links associated with my company.

While this isn’t rocket science, it gets overlooked and it’s too bad.  Some of these websites can also offer valuable backlinks to your website, which will help improve your organic search results as well.

What’s the Final Word?

Seek opportunities to build online profiles and accounts on social media sites, local directories and more. Just be careful not to build these profiles too quickly and make it appear that you’re spamming the search engines. Just be diligent and serious about growing your reach online and making sure you’re everyone that your potential customers are.


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One Response to “Your Online Profile”

  • I would like the thank Jonathon@ Blake Stragtegies Group for both; building, and helping to optimize my company’s new website. Jonathon was a joy to work with; as he is prompt, professional, and focused in on my vision for my company website. He was, and continues to be, extremely helpful and attentive to my needs.I am confident that with Jonathons guidance, I will have my company’s website top ranked in the next 3 months. Thanks for all the great work you’ve done Jonathon!

    12 years ago Reply