google seo panda penguin

SEO & Link Building Post Panda/Penguin

There’s been a lot of talk about link building as it relates to SEO and whether it even still applies after Google Panda & Penguin updates of 2011 & 2012.  Many webmasters and SEO’s are going as far as to say that link building is dead or at least minimally effective in improving search engine rankings while others are still going strong with heavy link building, believing that there has

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bad seo practices

Stop It! SEO Practices You Should Stop Doing Now

This is somewhat of a rant and I apologize now if I offend you. 🙂 SEO has changed A LOT in the past 10 years and for the most part, it’s changed for the better. Google’s main focus is on quality, not on old spammy SEO tricks that once worked. There are still a lot of people out there that either don’t keep up on SEO trends or don’t care

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