Working With A Team

If you have ever created a resume, inevitably you have indicated that you are a “team player” or that you enjoy working in a team. It’s the phrase that every employer wants to see and whether you work well in teams or not, you likely put it on your resume anyway.

I have always said that I enjoy working in a team, and sometimes I did, but if I were totally honest I would have to re-phrase it. I have enjoyed working on a team IF I am the leader. There’s a difference between being able to work in/with a team and being the leader of that team. While working in or with a team in a regular employment setting is almost unavoidable, what if you are a small business owner? You may be the only person in your business, so does being able to work with a team still apply?

I think it does.

For many years and in a few different businesses I operated, I decided to fly solo thinking that was the best idea. I believed that as a self-employed business owner, I didn’t need to work as part of a team.

I have since changed my mind and now embrace the idea of working as part of a team, even if they aren’t officially and legally part of my business. In my business I know what I’m good at and what I’m not, so I reach out to others as part of my “team” to help me with those details that fall outside my skill set.

The benefits of working in a team are many so I have decided to list a few here.

1. Leverage Skills – No matter how good you think you are, you can’t do everything. Chances are that if you are a stellar salesperson, you’re not also a great bookkeeper. While some people have skills in diverse areas, you can’t be good at everything. Working with a team allows you to leverage your skills and the skills of others.

2. Accountability – Working alone can make it difficult to stay on track. If you have people working with you and depending on you, it helps to keep you focused and on track.

3. Better Service – By working with others as part of your team, you can offer better service to your clients by spending your time doing what you’re good at and letting other people do what they are good at.

4. Efficiency – Working with a team allows for maximum efficiency. There’s nothing more frustrating than working on something that isn’t within your skill set. You can spend countless hours trying to do things that you aren’t gifted at or you can let others who may be stronger in that area do the job, while you focus on what you’re good at.

5. Reduced Burnout – Burnout comes from being involved in things that you were never meant to be involved in. I know there are certain things that I’m not good at and when I am working on these tasks, I can get burned out very quickly. Here’s a great example; I am an idea guy, a marketer and a big picture person. My wife on the other hand is gifted at handling administrative details. I hate paperwork, I hate keeping track of the schedule and I sometimes miss details. My wife on the other hand makes up for my lack of skill in these areas and I appreciate her helping me. It makes us into a well-rounded team.

Embrace the idea of working with a team and if you aren’t currently part of a team, look for opportunities to work with other people who have corresponding skills.


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