For many small businesses with limited budgets, they are hesitant to sign-up with an SEO company that will charge them on a monthly basis for SEO services which are designed to see their websites increase in the search engine rankings.  As I have established in a previous post, there aren’t really any silver bullets when it comes to SEO.  It takes hard work, and it takes time if you want to

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seo information

Everything you ever wanted to know is accessible through a simple Google search and that includes the topic of search engine optimization. Here’s the problem with reading about SEO Just like almost any topic, there’s a plethora of conflicting information floating around.  SEO is a topic that has been discussed on various blogs and websites for about a decade now, leading to all kinds of information being readily available.  A

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backlink over optimization

This has to be one of the dumbest acronyms ever created, but if you are a website owner it’s one of the most important acronyms of 2012. BLOOP stands for BackLink Over Optimization Penalty, which is a penalty that Google has reportedly been using in recent years.  When exactly Google started using this penalty is debated, but there has been talk about it for the past several years.  Discussions among

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is better always better

This post is more of a question (and maybe a rant) since I don’t actually have a solution!  Here’s my thought process and why I decided to write about this: Sitting in Starbucks, as I often do, I have started to notice how loud it has become.  I go to Starbucks because I like the buzz of the crowd, I like the vibe and I like the products.  Their coffee

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seven seconds

In the retail business it’s widely known that customers will make a first impression in a very short amount of time; as little as 7 seconds is what has been suggested. That’s why stores spend a fortune on fixtures, lighting and they train staff to greet customers immediately, to make sure that your first impression is a good one. Take that same concept and move the business online and this

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Did this title get your attention? That’s exactly what it was meant to do and apparently it worked or you may not be reading this. 🙂 SEO companies and “experts” will use phrases like this to suggest that they have the silver bullet, the magic touch, the secret formula to blast your website to the first page of Google in no time. They make an unrealistic claim like the one

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If you have ever created a resume, inevitably you have indicated that you are a “team player” or that you enjoy working in a team. It’s the phrase that every employer wants to see and whether you work well in teams or not, you likely put it on your resume anyway. I have always said that I enjoy working in a team, and sometimes I did, but if I were

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seo is a scam

I have heard this statement on more than one occasion and for anyone in the SEO business, this is not exactly what we want to hear. SEO has grown in popularity in the past 5 years as people have realized that just having a website may not be enough to get the results that they want, but is there truth to this statement? Is SEO a scam? This is not

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I’ve setup blogs on various websites that I owned from time to time and for one reason or another, I abandoned them time and time again. Is it because I don’t have anything to say?  No.  That’s certainly not the issue. The issue most often can be traced to a lack of focus. If you’re an entrepreneur and specifically an idea person, you might be able to relate.   I

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Blake Strategies Group

