A website audit is an in-depth review and analysis of your website and the factors affecting your search engine rankings.

An SEO audit goes into every detail of your website, both on-site and off-site to give you a full view of why your website is not ranking well with solutions to increase your search engine rankings. We go beyond a traditional SEO website audit by giving you solutions and coaching you through the changes. We do not believe in just giving you the reasons why it is not working!

An SEO Audit by Blake Strategies Group Will Help You:

Identify technical issues with your website
Provide insight into competitors strategies
Spot opportunities and weaknesses in your current digital marketing efforts
Provide clarity in reaching your target market
Implement changes that will have an impact on your rankings

An SEO Audit Includes:

Keyword Research and Placement:

Keyword research involves finding out what terms a website is ranking for and examining opportunities for keywords that it could or should be targeting. Keyword research is the process of finding the keywords that potential customers or clients are searching for and building the research into an SEO plan. We also examine usage of keywords on a website (keyword density and placement) to ensure that keyword research and placement are working together to help a website get found for target keywords.

Website Structure and Sitemap Analysis:

We analyze internal linking within the website to ensure optimum crawlability by search engine bots. This also looks at internal links to maximize page rank and use of correct anchor text. Test for 301, 302 and 404 codes that could affect website rankings.

Technical Analysis:

We analyze technical details including 404 pages, site speed, page and site structure and more.

On-site Content Audit:

We analyze content on the website to ensure it is consistent with the SEO strategy. We point out ways to increase content value and use content effectively on the website.

Content Promotion

We analyze methods of distributing content online to various websites, blogs and social media properties.

Backlink Analysis:

We analyze your current backlinks for quality and quantity and provide opportunities to obtain high quality links from various ethical sources.

Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools:

By accessing information in Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics, we can spot problems or seek out opportunities.


We compare how well a website is doing against its biggest competitors. Surveillance on up to 3 competitor websites to find competitive differences and advantages.

Social Media Indicators:

We look at a website’s use of social media, social media integration and content that can be shared through social media.

Our SEO audits provide you with a comprehensive report detailing not only the problems with your website, but with actionable solutions. This approach is perfect for a company that currently works with a competent web designer and needs an in-depth SEO evaluation and audit for a website designer or owner to take action on.

Real Solutions Written in Plain English

Our solutions are written in plain English so that you can take action on them right away. The SEO Audit document that you will receive will give you everything you or your web designer will need to make your website a success in the search engine rankings.
Included in each SEO Audit: 2 hours of phone or in-person coaching to make sure you are on the right track.
If after the SEO Audit is complete, you decide to hire us to implement the ideas and strategies suggested, we will apply the SEO Audit price to/towards an SEO package with our company.

Blake Strategies Group

