An SEO audit is the foundation of an SEO campaign because it gives us an understanding of the factors affecting a websites search engine rankings. Until we do an SEO audit, we can’t fully understand what we need to do in order for your website to be a success.   SEO Panic… The usual scenario unfortunately goes like this:  A company realizes that their website is under-performing in the search

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Being on page #1 in Google is exciting.  That special moment when you realize that all your SEO work has paid off and you finally make it to first place. But is there ever a time when being #1 in Google isn’t a big deal? I can think of a circumstance when being #1 isn’t really a big deal. When no one is competing for your keywords! It happens. You

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The lack of posts here requires a slight explanation.  It’s due to a recent move to a new home and WOW…what a time waster!  We moved into a place that ended up needing a little extra elbow grease to make it our own, meaning that my time online was diminished greatly over the past 2 weeks.  Now that life is starting to get back to “normal,” I’m going to try

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There seems to be a wide variety of SEO experts that offer services in various cities around the globe and their talents are just as diverse as their geographic locations. Some SEO’s spend all their time focused on the mechanics and technology of search engine optimization, while others focus more on the marketing and creative aspects of SEO. Which Way is the Right Way? That’s not an easy question to

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seo gimmicks

The past year has been a difficult one for those in the SEO business, or at least those that rely on tricks and gimmicks in order to help clients reach the first page of Google.  You don’t have to look far to find an  “SEO expert” that will promise to get your website onto page one, or better yet, to position number one in Google in a few days.  At

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Organic SEO

When I’m searching through my Google Analytics data for my own website or for a clients, the first thing that I look for is how the website has performed in organic searches.  Organic search refers to visitors that found the website using a search engine.  This is essentially free traffic that can bring the bulk of the traffic to your website.  Beyond that, if users are searching in Google and

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fresh content writing

Fresh content is important from an SEO standpoint, so let me get that right out there at the beginning of this post.  From a practical standpoint, I would suggest that it’s even more important.  There’s nothing worse than going to a blog’s front page and noticing that the last time they posted was last year!  There’s plenty of talk in the SEO community though about how fresh content ranks better

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seo or sem

This is a post that you likely wouldn’t see many Search Engine Optimization & Marketing professionals writing, but honesty compels me to write it!  SEO is effective and every website needs to be working on their search engine marketing/optimization strategy, but sometimes it’s necessary to back the truck up and look at more foundational business principles first. In order for any business to market itself online or offline, the first

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free website builder

There seems to be an ever-increasing trend toward everyone thinking that they are an expert and wanting to build their own website to save a few dollars.  While I do agree that some website designers charge far too much for their services, many times in an effort to cover their high overheard, I don’t believe that most business owners have the time, skill, patience or artistic eye to build a

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search engine marketing

If you have been looking around for help getting your website ranked better in the search engines, you’ve likely come across a few terms that can be slightly confusing.  Search engine marketing (SEM)  and search engine optimization (SEO) are the two main terms that are tossed around and it’s assumed that consumers just know what they mean. If you don’t quite understand the difference, don’t feel bad.  It’s not you!

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Blake Strategies Group

